I got many questions if escort is legal or not and what is the law in this field since I started writing this blog. Therefore, I decided to clear it up for you as much as I can.

Doing escort can be found in so called grey zone of economy. Since there is various of explanation of the point of escort, it can be explained that only some activities are regulated. Some of the states have repressive approach which means that any activities that might be connected with escort are illegal because they are seen as socially unacceptable. Another approach can be described as abolition which means that it’s illegal to “sell” people and to provide such services as escort which may be seen as the grey zone. The last approach is regermination which is the will to control the area as abolition does but also with the tax regulation in this area.

Czech Republic is in the area that applies regermination of this grey zone. And that’s the struggle. The state know that escort is happening but regulates only one part of the area and in the past years there is discussion more about the tax regulation of this area. So, the question is more if escort is legitimate-approvable than legitim.

The criminal code speaks about punishing pimping in §189 and §168. This regulation comes from international convention about cancellation of market with people that binds Czech Republic from the half of the 20th century. In §190 is forbidden to provide escort near schools and educating institutions that are meant for children. Specific cities also regulate sexual services at public places.

Anyway, prostitution isn’t mentioned anywhere. It’s not approved or forbidden. There basically isn’t even a definition of the term. The thing that is regulated is the protection of children and youngsters. It’s regulated in the statute about legally social protection of children. Therefore, my blog and social media are available for people over 18 years (if someone uses false information during creating Gmail or Meta platforms, I can’t control that).

As I already mentioned, there is no definition of the concept of escort and providing these services. It’s been discussed for some time to enable to regulate this profession in the matter of taxes and money that are in this area. The regulation of this profession so there is no possibility to provide this profession without any negative issues connected to it.

Is there a possibility to do escort legally as a business?

If you are one of my readers, you know that I like the quote that truth is flexible. And there is flexibility in our legal system. The regulation in the law n. 455/1991 Sb., about the trade business tells that business isn’t to provide sexual services which would apply to Red district if it was in Czech Republic and not in Amsterdam. There is new regulation n. 278/2008 Sb., that talks and provides information about the description of professions. And specifically, attachment n.4, point 78 is describing the possibility to provide services of personal character and for personal hygiene. There are also mentioned the services such as hostesses and companions. Therefore, the position of companion can be done legally and legitimately. Bear in mind that I mean the situation when the hostess is preparing and dealing with everything by herself without any third party.

So, as you can see from today’s article, this field is quite tricky and can be seen from different point of views. Anyway, if you choose the path of not going against the §168, §189 and §190 of the criminal code, you won’t violate the law.